The Bible, Coffee & Sweet Bread -1st Month

Hello friends and family!

Thank you all so much for your love, prayers and financial support going forward as we have officially moved back to Costa Rica! We have had quite the month and cannot wait to share all the details and prayer requests. 

To begin, those dreams of new ministry opportunities we shared when meeting with you all are now coming to life! As the preparation began of making our new schedule, creating outlines for teachings, and brainstorming new ideas, we have officially begun the new ministries God placed on our hearts. Between weekly group discipleship, one-on-one discipleship (those who have made a decision to follow Jesus) and creating a space for young adults, we are finding a rhythm of God’s grace through it all. These opportunities have been wonderful and the youth and young adults are responding greatly in their hunger to know more of God! It is amazing what a bible, cup of coffee and a slice of sweet bread with a conversation can do among believers. Not only have we had more intentional fellowship with our groups but we have been able to go much deeper into the Word of God with ease. The youth have been responsive and attentive to hear what God has placed on our hearts to teach them. Additionally, we had the opportunity to lead worship together for a graduation ceremony celebrating other missionaries at the language institute we attended last year.

As far as adjusting back goes, our month has not come without its challenges. Among the difficulties of moving, we have had a longer time than expected house hunting and within the first month, we both got sick with a bad stomach bug and unfortunately Hannah had a second wave of sickness just recently. Needless to say, your prayers are greatly appreciated and we are recovering well now! 

God is still showing up in mighty ways and we are grateful to be back pouring into the lives of new believers in La Carpio. Thank you all again for everything that you have done, are doing and will do! We cannot wait to share more with you next month and look forward to hearing from you all! Please check out the praise reports and prayer points below.

God bless

The Pinedos


  • 3 girls in the youth program decided to follow Jesus
  • We have had more one-on-one discipleship


  • Long term local laborers in the ministry
  • New believer’s growth in Christ
  • Physical health of Christopher and Hannah
  • To reach 100% of monthly financial support

reach costa rica together!